Archive for October, 2011

“Intersecting Sets” to launch at Litfest

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Alice’s newest book, Intersecting Sets: A Poet Looks at Science, will be launched at Litfest, Edmonton’s non-fiction festival. This collection of essays is part memoir, part ars poetica, part wonder-journey, as she allows the two sets—the work of poets and the work of scientists—to intersect like spots of coloured light overlapping to form new shades of illumination for every reader who is engaged with the world.

She and her new book will appear in two events. First is a lunchtime discussion at the CBC Centre Stage space on October 13. She’ll share the occasion with Francois Pare, who has studied a different kind of culture from that of science—that of French-Canadian diasporas throughout North America.

Second is an evening celebrating the the crossovers between arts and science, also featuring playwright David Belke and musician Shawn Pinchbeck. David’s play, The Science of Disconnection, creates a portrait of Austrian physicist, Dr. Lise Meitner, her discovery of nuclear fission and her personal and professional struggles as the first woman to be accepted into the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin before WWI. The Science of Disconnection won a Sterling Award for best new play in 2010.

Shawn is an electroacoustic music composer, sound designer and media artist who uses technology in innovative ways to create sound.

For details see launch invitation-intersectingsets

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